Early Placement of a Non-Invasive, Pressure Regulated, Fascial Reapproximation Device Improves Reduction of the Fascial Gap in Open Abdomens: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Martin ND., Bawazeer M., et al. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2024.
Since current fascial traction methods involve invasive procedures, they are generally employed late in the management of the open abdomen (OA).
This study aimed to evaluate early versus late placement of a non-invasive, pressure-regulated device for fascial reapproximation and gap reduction in OA patients.
Comparison of Primary Fascial Closure Rate in Open Abdomen Management: Wittmann Patch versus Abdominal Fascia Closure Device. (Abstract)
Abosena W., Bawazeer M., et al. ACS. 2024.
The open abdomen (OA) is a common approach for managing intra-abdominal catastrophes in trauma and acute care surgery. Various temporary abdominal closure techniques may affect the ability to achieve primary fascial closure and further complications. This study aimed to compare the primary fascial closure rate using the Wittmann patch versus the non-invasive Abdominal fascia Closure Device (AbCLo).
Economic Analysis of AbClo, a Novel Abdominal Fascia Closure Device, for Patients With an Open Abdomen Following Trauma or Acute Abdominal Surgery.
Chew DS., Dayal T. Surgical Innovation. 2024.
Open Abdomen (OA) cases represent a significant surgical and resource challenge. AbClo is a novel noninvasive abdominal fascial closure device that engages lateral components of the abdominal wall muscles to support gradual approximation of the fascia and reduce the fascial gap. The study objective was to assess the economic implications of AbClo compared to negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) alone on OA management.
Management of the open abdomen: A systematic review with meta-analysis and practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
Mahoney EJ., Bugaev N., et al. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024.
Multiple techniques describe the management of the open abdomen (OA) and restoration of abdominal wall integrity after damage-control laparotomy (DCL). It is unclear which operative technique provides the best method of achieving primary myofascial closure at the index hospitalization.
New non-invasive device to promote primary closure of the fascia and prevent loss of domain in the open abdomen: a pilot study.
Rezende-Neto JB., Camilotti BG. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2020.
Primary closure of the fascia at the conclusion of a stage laparotomy can be a challenging task. Current techniques to medialize the fascial edges in open abdomens entail several trips to the operating room and could result in fascial damage. We conducted a pilot study to investigate a novel non-invasive device for gradual reapproximation of the abdominal wall fascia in the open abdomen.